Gas oils containing biodiesel

PricePedia Metadata

PricePedia Code: ENCBGS1

Full description: Gas oils of ≥ 70% of petroleum or bituminous minerals, with a sulphur content of ≤ 0,001% by weight, containing biodiesel (CN271020.11)

Section: EU Customs, PricePedia Scenario

Merceology: Energy, PricePedia Forecasting Scenario (5-02-2025 Info)

Family: Medium and Heavy Oils, PricePedia Forecasts: Energy

Source: PricePedia processing on Eurostat data

Typology: Customs prices

Customs code: CN271020.11

Frequency: Monthly

Keyword: gasoils with

Main measure: Last Price EU

Measures available: Last Price EU, Last Price not revised, History EU, Minimum EU, Maximum EU, Forecast scenario

Unit of measure: Ton

Original currency: EUR

2021 EU import in € MLN: 16382.0

2021 EU export in € MLN: 15107.7


Automatically generated information


Gas oils containing biodiesel are a type of liquid fuel that can be used in diesel engines. They are made by blending petroleum-based gas oils with biodiesel, which is a renewable fuel derived from vegetable oils or animal fats. Biodiesel can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality when used as a substitute for fossil fuels.

Main uses

Gas oils containing biodiesel are mainly used for transportation, especially for heavy-duty vehicles such as trucks, buses, and trains. They can also be used for heating, power generation, and industrial purposes. Gas oils containing biodiesel have similar performance and compatibility characteristics as conventional diesel, but they may require some modifications to the engine and fuel system to avoid potential issues such as clogging, corrosion, or oxidation.